
VIKING CHESS: Fig. 1. The Viking chess is a chess play on an unusal chessboard consisting of hexagons instead of squares, arranged in three differnt colours according to fig. 1.
The VIKING CHESS is an new game invented in Iceland. The tool for playing VIKING CHESS consists of a playing board of the sie 17 x 21 mede up of a 85 hexagons, divided into 9 colums and having three different colours.
A set of chequers consists of 9 chequers and 9 pawns. The two sets of chequers are having different colours. Thechequers nemes are the same as in classical chess except one, which is Viking.
The moving abilities are quite analogical to the classical chess and are easy to learn. Only the moving of Viking is new.
The game in the classical chess is divided into three parts: Beginning, midplay and end, but in Viking chess the game is divided into 4 parts: Arranging the chequers, beginning, midplay and end.
In the classical chess there are two directions. The Great chess Champion Mr. F. Ólafsson has acquainted himself with the Viking chess and gives the following comments: "The Viking chess is obviously much more complicated than classical chess, because there are three directions in the board and there are more chequers and more hexagons than there are squares. The moving abilities in Viking chess are easy to learn, but it takes a little time to make out the directions. I suppose that there has to be build up an new Viking chess theory from beginning. Still there are some principles from the classical chess which remains as for example to have a strong centre, to evolve the officers quickly and not to weake the position of the King, but the method for doing thes will be quite different in Viking chess.
In Viking chess there are more moved needed, more time needed, there are more possibilities and the moving of the chequers is slower than in classical chess.
In spite of the nobility of the classical chess thete have from time to time been mede efforts to change the principle by adding or reducing the number of chequers or by making it three dimensional in order to find a new principle, but always without result, simply because the principles of the classical chess is a principle of SQUARES and it remains the same and unaffected by the number of squares.
With the Viking chess there has been found a new priciple of chess, the princeple of the HEXAGON with the chess-board remaining rectangular.
This new principle has been studied by chess-players of all classes and found to be a principle HEXAGONAL CHESS.
The Viking Chess has been found much developing for the chess player's sense of the square board. He makes out the two directions more easily after having been doing with tree. Thus it is supposed, that chess players of all classes will play Viking chess along with classical chess.
Once a new principle is found it certainly has advanges over the older ones for compare the intelligence of the player, bacause the theoreetical knowledge will not affect the real ability of the player to direct the chequers. The Viking Chess is thus supposed to be A NEW TOOL FOR COMPARING INTELLIGENCE - A NEW TOOL FOR CHESS PLAY.
Víkingaskák er ný skák eða nýtt manntaf, sem fundið var upp á Íslandi af Magnúsi Ólafsyni. Taflborð víkingasskákar samanstendur af 85 sextrendingum, sem skipað er í 9 raðir og eru í þrem litum.
Hvort lið samanstendur af 9 mönnum og 9 peðum. Hvort lið hefur sinn lit. Nöfn taflmanna eru hin sömu og í hinni klassísku skák, og níundi maðurinn heitir Víkingur.
Manngangurinn er mjög líkur manngangi hinnar klassísku skár og er auðlærður. Aðeins manngangur víkingsins er nýr.
Klásísk skák skiptist í þrjá hluta: Byrjun, miðtafl og endatafl, en víkingaskák skiptist í fjóra hluta: Liðskipun, byrjun, miðtafl og endatafl.
Í hinni klasísku skák eru tvær stefnur, en í víkingaskák eru stefnurnar þrjár.
Friðrik Ólafsson stórmeistari hefur kynnt sér víkingaskák og gefið eftirfarandi umsögn:
"Það eru greinilegt, að þetta er miklu flóknara tafl en venjulegt tafl, vegna þess að það eru þrjár stefnur í borðinu í staðinn fyrir tvær. Svo eru fleiri menn og fleiri reitir.
Í venjulegri skák leikur hvítur fyrsta leiknum og byggir strax upp hótun, sem er svarað með vörn eða gagnhótun, en í víkingaskák komast liðin ekki í snertingu við hvort annað fyrr en eftir eina tíu leiki. Það tekur t.d. 4 leiki að hóta með biskup í byrjuninni í víkingaskák. Það þarf að leika fyrst tveim peðum fram og síðan biskupnum tvo leiki. manngangur víkingaskákarinnar er auðlæarður, en það tekur svolítinn tíma að átta sig á stefnum í borðinu.
Ég býst við að það verði að byggja upp skákfræði fyrir víkingaskákina frá grunni. Þó eru ýmsar meginreglur sem halda sér eins og t.d. að hafa sterkt miðborð, að koma mönnum fljótt og veikja ekki kóngsstöðuna, en aðferðin til þess að gera þetta verður allt öðruvísi í víkingaskák.
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